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Ashcroft's Blog

The Ashcroft blog provides helpful information about pressure and temperature instruments. Gain the knowledge you need to keep your business running!

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Bimetal Thermometers | RTD | thermocouple | thermometer | gas-actuated thermometer

All industrial applications use some kind of temperature instrument to ensure process temperatures stay within an acceptable range. Choosing the right device can help protect your equipment and your operators from extreme temperature shifts. However, the type of instrument you use will depend on many factors, including the temperature limits of the operation and the instrument, the required output and more. As a global leader in temperature and pressure instrumentation, Ashcroft created this article as a high-level overview of industrial temperature measurement options. If you are an industry novice or just want a refresher on the basics, this can serve as a good reference piece. Read on to learn about the different types of industrial temperature instruments, how they work, where they are used and why you might choose one over another. When you are done reading, you will find additional resources related to temperature measurement that may interest you.

Blog Feature

thermometer | gas-actuated thermometer

If your application is impacted by a wide temperature range or harsh vibration, you need temperature-measuring equipment that can withstand the extreme environment. You must also be able to read the temperature safely away from dangerous conditions. Otherwise, you may risk equipment damage, which can lead to downtime for your business. So, what temperature instrument is best for these situations? This article will discuss gas-actuated thermometers, when to use them and the advantages they can offer your application.

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