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The Ashcroft blog provides helpful information about pressure and temperature instruments. Gain the knowledge you need to keep your business running!

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thermocouple | Chemical/Petrochemical | Oil & Gas

By: Dave Dlugos, Product Technical Leader
September 26th, 2024

This article was originally published on December 4, 2023, by Rick Zerafin and updated on September 26, 2024. If your work involves critical applications with harsh conditions, extreme weather and high-vibration environments, thermocouples are essential instruments that can keep your system operating efficiently. They are often used in equipment like turbine systems, gas compressors, pumps and other equipment to provide clear and reliable signals to communicate whether a system is working properly, or not. In doing so, these instruments help reduce downtime, lower maintenance costs and increase productivity. Selecting the correct junction type is critical to ensure optimal temperature sensor performance. With 40 years of measurement instrument experience, I am often asked about the differences and benefits of each junction option. In this article, you will learn about the different thermocouple components, including two of the most common types of junctions: grounded and ungrounded. You will also learn the advantages of each junction type, and which is preferable for different applications. When you are done reading, you will have a clear understanding of the best junction to select for your specific needs.

Blog Feature

Industries and applications | RTD | temperature sensor | accuracy | Oil & Gas

This article was originally published on October 23, 2023, by Rick Zarafin and updated on August 19, 2024 by Dave Dlugos. As an industrial instrument designer, you are faced with a multitude of temperature measurement options to choose from. In addition to the commonly used infrared, bi-metal, gas-actuated thermometers and thermistors, to name a few. Each of these options stands out as a reliable choice for industrial automation and process applications. However, the instruments predominantly selected for industrial automation and process applications are thermocouples and Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) because of their proven ability to provide accurate and reliable readings. Each of these sensors has unique advantages and can be configured to match the application needs for optimum service life and performance. Based on my experience working with instrumentation and reliability teams, I’ve seen and compared the benefits of both options. Thermocouples, for example, are often chosen for a robust signal, cost-effective price and ability to withstand most process plant specifications, including harsh vibration and high-temperature range up to 2300° C. RTDs, on the other hand, are the top choice for applications demanding higher accuracy levels and minimal drift. In this article, you will learn about the advantages of RTDs and the significance of RTD calibration in ensuring precise and consistent readings for an extended lifespan. You will also be directed to additional resources to help deepen your knowledge about these instruments and their applications.

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Bimetal Thermometers | pharmaceutical and biotechnology | thermometer | gas-actuated thermometer | Chemical/Petrochemical | Oil & Gas | Food and Beverage

Gas-actuated thermometers and bimetal thermometers are both commonly used temperature measurement instruments in multiple industries due to their reliability and precision. However, they operate on different principles. No matter what industry you work in, if you require accurate temperature monitoring, understanding these thermometers can enhance both efficiency and safety in your operations. As the temperature product manager at Ashcroft – an industry leader in pressure and temperature instrumentation – I am often asked which of these instruments will be most appropriate for different applications. The answer, of course, depends on several factors. Read this article to compare the mechanics, applications, and advantages of gas-actuated and bimetal thermometers. Links to additional resources will also provide relevant information to help deepen your knowledge of temperature measurement. When you are finished reading, you will be in a better position to select the right instrument for your specific needs.

Blog Feature

Corrosive | water & wastewater | diaphragm seals | Chemical/Petrochemical | Oil & Gas | isolators

Industries involving liquids such as chemical/petrochemical, oil and gas, and water/wastewater, are constantly challenged by corrosion. Understanding the different types of corrosion and how they occur is the first step in protecting your process instruments from its damaging effects. As a leading authority in pressure and temperature instrumentation, Ashcroft® offers valuable insights into corrosion and its impact on businesses. This article explores the different types of corrosion, the factors influencing corrosive environments, and the significance of selecting compatible materials for process instrumentation. Additionally, discover key considerations for choosing pressure instrumentation capable of withstanding harsh corrosive conditions.

Blog Feature

Calibration | temperature sensor | thermocouple | pharmaceutical and biotechnology | chemical industry | Chemical/Petrochemical | Oil & Gas | Power/Energy

This article was originally published on August 23, 2023, by Rick Zerafin and was updated on June 26, 2024, by Dave Dlugos. Consistently accurate temperature measurements are vital to several industrial processes in numerous industries from construction to energy to manufacturing. Although many instruments can measure the temperature of gas and liquid in these processes, thermocouples are among the most popular thanks to their simple design and versatility. Over time, however, the thermocouple’s performance may tail off for any number of reasons. Two of the most common are drift and elevated temperature. As a leading authority in temperature measurement instrumentation, we help customers understand the factors to consider when selecting instruments and the steps needed to keep systems running efficiently. If your process includes temperature measurement with a thermocouple, this article will explain why it is important to calibrate your instrument and how to do it. You will also get access to helpful resources that can help you gain deeper knowledge on the subject of temperature sensors.

Blog Feature

pressure gauge | Pressure Instruments | Oil & Gas | sour gas

This article is based on a white paper written by John Carissimi and Jeremy Payne in 2015 and rewritten on May 6, 2024. Sour gas and crude oil operations involve harsh conditions with a high risk of corrosion. Metals and alloys used in environments with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are especially prone to corrosion and stress cracking, which can lead to material failure and dangerous fluid leaks in your system. To enhance safety and prevent equipment failures, the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) established control standards for any instrumentation used in these types of applications. As the Product Marketing Leader for process gauges at Ashcroft, a global leader in pressure and temperature instrumentation, I have spent the past 15 years answering questions and guiding customers on the importance of ensuring compatibility between your instruments and process media. In this article, you will get an overview of the NACE standards that specifically address corrosion that can occur with exposure to sour gas or sour crude. You will also learn what to look for when selecting pressure and temperature instruments for your sour gas and crude applications. When you are done reading, you will be able to access additional resources to help make informed decisions about selecting instrumentation for corrosive operations.

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